December 2020 payouts have all been done

You didn’t reach $5 in December, your December clicks will be paid in the next payout.

You didn’t put any Bitcoin wallet address in your Payout Settings page.

I reach 5 dollars in December, you check again

not recieved my payout :unamused:

You didn’t reach $5 in December, your December clicks will be paid in the next payout.

We will send your payment in Bitcoin instead of Ethereum.

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but as mentioned in FAQ by default it should go in my PayPal account…

I don’t have bitcoin wallet and I want to receive payment in PayPal account

still pending not received please check again :worried:

I have added Ethereum address to receive as I thought it will be transferred to paypal account so I didn’t added before so now when I will receive December months payment.

Please have some patience, BTC payments are not instantaneous.

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I know but their first time I see the bitcoin transaction take 1 day I am still waiting I think there has some fee issue :thinking:

It may happen because of the Bitcoin’s price variations, please have patience.


ok thanks for the reply :heart:

i didn’t get my payment

i have only one account .I have used two systems - home and office

payment not received

Plz complete my payment of December month

My December months payment is not received.plz send me payment

Payment has not yet been made, hopefully it will be made on January 5th.