Account penalty

Can i know why my account banned?

Same with me, penalty account, even though I don’t have multiple accounts. I only have one account. Is it just because I changed my wallet address that I got banned? Strangely, my account has been banned but I still get offer in email that reads: We need you: Get $0.10 for every click instead of $0.05. Nonsense!
I hope you can read and answer ClicksPaid team! Don’t be cruel to anybody. If you can’t pay, don’t look for workers!

Yeah…you would think if a company bans you or permanently disables your account, that they would stop spamming you afterwards. But no, these idiots make you go through the hoops of unsubscribing.

Good luck getting a real answer. They just ban people without any proof and false claims. Just go to their competitors. They pay.

What competitors are proven to pay?