Get Task button is error and no 5 seconds waiting

my Get Task button is error and 5 seconds waiting not available, please fix my issue


same issue here. Waiting for a task forever


Yeah, it’s broken. But all we can do is wait to be fixed. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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same here, still waiting.


Me too since last night, is the issue resolved now?

nope, still very much broken

After four successful tasks i get the button stuck with “Waiting for a task.” That way I don’t do enough tasks to reach the monthly quota :frowning:

same here, after 12 successful tasks

There’s something wrong with your DNS configuration that prevent the extension to work properly and you should flush your system DNS cache .

I already did that but still button error

they system blocked asian ip…huhuhu…

It’s because of you they thought i have multiple account while I only have one and only account, They deactivated my account after I followed your instructions and I lost my money. Shame on you

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how to repair problemsolving?