Having problem clickspaid on mobile

when i am useing clickspaid on mobile i am not reciving any creadit plz guys help me guide me who is using clickspaid on mobile


I suggest you to use 5.30 version of clickspaid. please dont use 5.32 version. This version has some glitches.

where to download and how

plz send me any link from where i download fatimaimran251@gmail.com

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I have send you 5.30 version extension to this gmail fatimaimran251@gmail.com

please send me 5.30 version extension aksxaksx@gmail.com

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We recommend that you try updating your browser’s cache and cookies and re-installing the extension. Since I tested version 5.32 of the extension, everything worked fine.

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if clickspaid said that 5.32 version have no issues then you should try 5.32 version if there is any issue in version you can 5.30 version instead of 5.32

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Version 5.32 of the extension works just fine on both desktop and mobile. There is the occasional issue of not highlighting the link but refreshing the page brings the highlight back on the link, although this issue has existed on version before it too.