I Got the No Highlight Bug Today Sad

Well all of my tasks failed because of no highlight in the results, How to resolve this guys


I have the same problem! Reinstalling did not work either


I have the same problem


I have got this now as well


Try download the extension again

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mine works again, the bug is gone

Me too! I found the correct URL but no highlight. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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the bug is back again

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the bug is back , I found the correct URL but no highlight

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you noticed your google search bar have more height? i noticed when google search bar is thicker it wont show highlight but before google search bar are thinner

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yeah, same problem. anyone has a solution because we are wasting our time, any moderator?

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I have the same problem! Reinstalling did not work either

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The highlighting problem continues, has anyone got a reply from clickspaid

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same here, i got like 6 times today

Same problem here. Any solution? Reinstall the addon did not solve the problem.

Anyone fix the problem? Same bug

Same here. No red highlight on the results

Can confirm, issue still persists. I am not getting anything.

me too the same problem

I use to have the same problem in my first 2 days, and then it just wet away.

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