My Clickspaid Account banned Without any reason

My Clickspaid account has been suspended without any reason :sweat_smile: with the Reason " Multiple Accounts" but i don’t have any multiple accounts on my device
Please Unban my Clickspaid account
Today i tried to withdraw $18 from Clickspaid its Says Panelty for multiple accounts
Why this issue presists …

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Do u get ur account back

Do you use SERPclix???

No I dnt have I am only using clickspaid

What wifi are you using. Your house?

Yes but last month I use public wifi on my way to my home town means public transport wifi

then that is why you got banned. dont use public wifi

Not banned deactivated…but I am still recovering task I have no idea what to do support team send me this please explain it what actually they want to say am I eligible or not to do working…