Payment this month?

hi, new here. when is payment due this month?

What payment method did you choose?

bitcoin. i didnt see any other option.

How much you have already earned? I have Paypal as payment option.

i have 16.85 , thats way over the threashold

For me it usually gets to me at 6th or 7th

ok. guess i just gotta wait. but it doesnt show anything being progressed. guess thats normal

How do I get paid?

The minimum payable amount is $5.00. You can pay via Bitcoin or Ethereum using the Settings page.

How often can I receive payouts?

We do payouts in the first 5 days of every month, the minimum payout is $5.

good, then one more day to go to see if thats true or not. tomorrow is the 5th

I chose paypal as my payout option, It should arrive quicker than bitcoin. Lets wait one more day.

i didnt have paypal option at first but now i see that it is available. i am ok with either one though. doesnt matter to me . thanks for the quick replay. i guess well have to wait til monday since its the weekend

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