Paypal payout in hold

Hello everyone, i hope someone can clear my doubt. I have almost received my first payout . I say almost because is in hold by Paypal and I would like to know what to do about it and if it will recur in future payments. Thank you :wink:

Well whenever I receive my money in Paypal account.It automatically get transferred to my bank account the very next day itself.
So,if your Paypal account is verified and well connected with your bank account then just wait for 1 or 2 days it will automatically get clear your money.

it’s because your paypal account not connect to your card. Don’t worry, paypal will send your money back after 21 / 23 days. And for the next payout you will not have this experience anymore

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Actually my account is linked to a card and is verified. The thing about the 21 days appeared to me somewhere. I hope it is as you say that it doesn’t do it again in the future :slight_smile:

Don’t worry PayPal does withhold payments if they don’t recognize where it comes from, they once did that to me and said it will be for 21 days but it was released before then.


It won’t happen again, unless you get payment from a new place again that they are not used too, they will do the same thing as now and after it will be smooth again.


I noticed that today the funds were released :smiley:
Pity about the small fee that is retained by Paypal :frowning: