Penalty payment

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding the deactivation of my account without any prior notice or reason provided. Additionally, I understand that a penalty has been imposed for multiple accounts, which I believe is a misunderstanding.

I kindly request the following actions:

  1. Reactivation of my account with full access restored.
  2. Removal of any penalties associated with multiple accounts, as I assure you that I have only one account.
  3. Return of my withdrawal amount that was in my account prior to its deactivation.

I value the community guidelines and policies of your website and have always strived to adhere to them. If there are any specific issues that need clarification or any additional steps required from my side to resolve this matter, please let me know.

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R u still working on clickspaid my account is also deactivated I have only 1 account

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