Penalty Reason: Multiple accounts

i only have one account and the reason my ip changes is that my router is faulty and every now and then restarts itself , so why i am getting a penalty ? this feels unfair

yes same happens to me this is fake website i only have one account

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We have detected that you have connected accounts.
Even if you didn’t register any other account yourself the accounts may have been connected by using the same computer, network, proxy, VPN. Neither of these is allowed by our terms.
We are sorry but because of the violation of the terms we cannot continue working with you.

We have detected that you have connected accounts.
Even if you didn’t register any other account yourself the accounts may have been connected by using the same computer, network, proxy, VPN. Neither of these is allowed by our terms.
We are sorry but because of the violation of the terms we cannot continue working with you.

I have onlyb one account and one laptop.Why you not send me paymnet.This is not fair.I was lot of work on your website.Its mean this website is fake ?can i continue work on this website or not wast my time.Beacause this is my first payment and you give me penalty.So kindly send me my payment.Thanks.