The payment of the last request was not received

The payment of the latest request was received, but the payment of the last request was not received.
That are two different request payment!!!

Do not deceive us!!!

Has it been 2 days since you received the receipt of success or not?

I requested payment on the 1st of every month. I requested payment on January 1st and received the receipt, but I never actually received the money. Their tech support said there was an issue, and in mid-January, they said I needed to wait a few more days. However, there has been no communication since then. It’s simply deceptive.

@clickspaid2 @clickspaid

Hello, all the questions that you would like to ask can be sent to technical support

I’ve received a reply from the ClicksPaid team, and the issue has been resolved. Thank you.

@workhardplayhard6767 Did they do something to solve it, or did it solve itself?

They did something to solve it. You may email them.

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