Timer did't start prolem

Search for the keyword

Walking tour Naples Pompeii Herculaneum with an archaeologist

in Search Engine

Find and click at the website


and click at 2-3 other random websites

Open at least 2-3 pages and stay at least 1 min and on the website.


It’s the new update [5.31] if you’re not updated yet do it, In the new update: the link must be highlighted, if you found it and its not highlighted timer won’t start, so if you found it try to refresh the google page to make it highlight the link, when the link is highlighted click on it and wait till the page fully loads then timer will start.

Make sure: the Keyword is right (even a space extra or removed will not make the extension highlight the link)


Facing same problem in new update 5.31
Should i reinstall 5.30 or 5.29 version again??

same here. timer didnt start at all

Reinstall 5.30 version again :+1:

how can i reinstall 5.30?

Check in downloads of your mobile or laptop
You must have 5.30 version in your device storage
You need to check

Was this only with antminer task or in every task the timer doesn’t start?
For me only antminer is buggy

In this task, click on the link it self not the title:


I have the same problem with the antminertech.com. Although the link was highlighted and I refreshed the google search page several times but counter not start.

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