Your account is no eligible for fast payouts Please wait the regular monthly ones

Hi Clickspaid

I already received a payment this month by manually requesting, I understand the pressure you’re undergoing, but i have a question hoping to get an answer to as quickly as possible.

Does this message: “Your account is no eligible for fast payouts. Please wait the regular monthly ones.” means that you can only request manually once a month or what?


I made a topic so that when the support team answers, future clickers can know what is going on without having to ask.

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Hello, the system could suspect you of violating the rules, until the verification of your account is completed, you either will not be able to withdraw funds, or your account may be blocked if any violations occur again

could you please provide time, like when is the verification done?

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The system will set the time itself, what it is and how long it will last, I cannot say, since this is done automatically

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any estimate? because of course you have seen this before, how much time it usually takes? thanks

unfortunately, I saw how the account was blocked because they used several accounts and thought that a VPN would hide it, but alas, the VPN did not help

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i swear there is no vpn used, the only problem that had happened while i was doing a task the ip refreshed mid task cuz of the stupid ISP or whatever, i’m willing to let you join my pc and my router and to check the ips yourself.

Fuktorius I wrote to you that this happens automatically by the system, it is not profitable for us to lose clickers and it is not profitable when they try to cheat

ok no problem,

here is an image of the router that could explain what could’ve happened.

the connection duration should never actually change but on its own it does, and i’m currently active cuz of the first payment when i saw its legit i worked better and avoided mistakes.

only problem i remember is when mid task this ip refreshed on its own.

anyway thanks for your time, i’ll come back if the warning of not eligible vanishes, untill then i’ll not be as active as the past three days.

Thanks again.


Guys I guess i found the problem, if you’re using a PC like me, you’d probably split the screen in half and watch something on youtube while clicking on get new task button, problem is in my case, if you click too quickly on get task [my guess more than 2~3 clicks a second] it could for some reason record 2 clicks as the same time, which could get you 2 tasks at the same second, which will result in a failed task along with an active task, on the system this will be read as two accounts, because the requests were too fast, like in this image:

and you’re probably having your screen like this:

so solution to not get stuck in this situation, avoid clicking on the button while its not blue and avoid clicking too quickly when its blue, and for those who are not getting tasks, just find the best time in your region, every region has a time when people are usually sleeping, at that time demand will be high and supply will be low which means you’ll get more tasks, don’t participate in anything forbidden, have fun!

btw i’m using a clean profile for clickspaid with tracking enabled and no extensions except Clickspaid to assure best clicks, other profile is personal for surfing etc. you can do this by renaming firefox shortcut to something like this:
“C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
To this
“C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe” -p

and add whatever profile you need.

Thanks again Clickspaid and i hope you activate my account if you can.

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