Most links are not found thorugh the web

I have noticed recently that many tasks I try to do refers to non existent links and are impossible to find though search engine. I am using google search engine yet I am still unable to find most websites. Many tasks are being wasted with no benefits at all. And also some of the tasks when I find the correct link and click on it, the timer in the extension doesn’t start until the last 30 second of the task timer. therefore no earnings from the task at all.
Can you please suggest a solution for this problem ??

Attached a screenshot of tasks wasted.


I worked 3 hours with 50 tasks but only completed 7 tasks.


Even the familiar everyday website is not highlighted.



I am not able to upload more screenshots to explain the issue, but as you can see the website for this task is found and highlighted, but the counter of the extension doesn’t start until the last 30 second and sometimes it doesn’t start at all.

Here is the highlighted website to click on, and as you can see in the previous screenshot that the timer is not running.

How you got 50 tasks in 3hrs only??
From where you are??


The same question popped in my head :sweat_smile:

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Many websites cannot be credited, and many also cannot be found with the correct website.
@clickspaid @clickspaid2

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me too i have same issue like you

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Don’t bother clicking that akool. It is filled with scripts that will not allow the page to successfully load. It will make you work for free.

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Same issue here. I’ve been getting a lot of Clicks but very few of them are found. I’ve been on everyday and only have $3.50 to show for it. I’ve never gotten this many hits but most of them turn out to be misses.

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Hello Clickspaid team, STOP giving us those tasks that we cannot find the correct website for or cannot credit.
@clickspaid2 @clickspaid

Same problem, i think someone is throwing troll sites abusing their free trial system, or using stolen cc’s to throw fake sites that are either down, or not existing.
@clickspaid2 @clickspaid

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Same thing here about 20 searches but cannot find the related website. Wasting my time and data. I thought I was the only one. Please do something about it

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Links cannot be found but at least there are tasks. Don’t complain too much :stuck_out_tongue:

More task! more task!
Now here is more task,
More data consumption,
More time spent,
More stirring at your phone and computer,
More itchy eyes,
No more 0.1 per task,
No more surveys,
Less earnings.

Next task might be
How to make money

I thought it was a poem

If there are tasks but no website/link to click on then there’s no payment. So the complaints are warranted.

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yes there are many tasks with no links listed on google. It means these website are very poor and searching tags too much simple. By this 95% of all these websites will be4 not found. They need to change the searching tags.

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