Payment methods

Hello, I have reached minimal payout threshold and on the payout setting I have bitcoin and PayPal as payment options, my questions being that I see a lot of users prefer bitcoin payment, does the site support PayPal on selected accounts, is it a new feature, if yes how does it compare to the bitcoin payment fees and time-wise??


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I have but that too doesn’t help, Do you have PayPal as a Payout option??

There is only Bitcoin available i guess …

I have Paypal as payout option

For me it appeared too. Time to test it we’ll see in a few days

Sorry just check the payout setting, PayPal is available again

It is already March 4, and the PayPal payout option is still not in the process. How about you? Have you received payout before in PayPal?

Since i joined the website the payments are made on the 5th day, If it is a weekend the payment would be issued on Monday…

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Money is still in my account but it should be sent 5th max 6th as of my experience

Did you choose paypal? Mine too is paypal, they said it’s weekend that’s why it was still not in process, lets see on monday.