As earlier Paypal payout option is best , dear Clickspaid Support team please Add / Bring Back the PAYPAL MONEY PAYOUT OPTION ? Why PAYPAL MONEY PAYOUT Option is removed from CLICKSPAID …
**Sir Please Add the PayPal option also as it was working earlier **
Don’t replace the PayPal money Payout by Mastercard/Visa Payout method
@clickspaid2 @clickspaid
Dear Clickspaid Support team…
Please Add Back the PAYPAL MONEY PAYOUT Option Because 95% Users were Using PAYPAL MONEY PAYOUT Option …
**Please Think about Users who are dependent on Clickspaid Earning… **
**Its is suggested to you that **
**You may Add Extra Payout Option as VISA / MASTERCARD PAYOUT but Bring Back PAYPAL MONEY PAYOUT OPTION **
**Dear Usees Please Support this thread for PAYPAL MONEY PAYOUT OPTION… **